Set up Local Machine access

Scenario 1 - Working on the same machine

You would not normally work on a website from the neatComponents machine itself - once it is installed you would treat that machine as a dedicated appliance. Every site you create and all other manipulations will be done using your web-browser to access the neatComponents Site Manager.

But, for very small scale use, and for testing - so you can get started with the site manipulation - you can make an exception, and work on the server itself. So, on the machine you actually installed onto, return to the nC Server Manager.


Getting back to the Server Manager
If you close the 'Server Manager' you can get back to the Root Web Site by going to Windows Start-menu, and selecting Root Web Site from the neatComponents entry.

You can also can return to it by browsing to* in your web browser. You will need to log in again using the email address and password that you created during the install process.

Windows 8 Users
To see a list of all the computer’s installed apps, press the Windows and Q keys, or right-click the screen and click the All Apps button in the bottom right corner.

You can now use the Server Manager direct. Read how to create your first site...