Checking SMTP with TelnetIf your configuration is correct, but you still cannot access your mail server from neatComponents then it is most likely to be a firewall or anti-virus issue. How to check your SMTP connection If you cannot 'manually' connect to the email server machine on Port 25 from the neatComponents machine, then neither can your nC email service - so you'll need to look to the way your network, firewall or routers are configured. The 'Telnet' test For the purpose of this test you can check against our mail server like this: telnet 25 and you should get a response, after about 30 seconds pause, similar to: 220 Ready for action (Mailtraq You can then type: Quit and close the command prompt window. If you don't get that response, then anti-virus, firewall or router configuration is blocking port 25 traffic from that machine. Please note that this mail server is for testing connections only - it will not accept mail for onward delivery. If you are not familiar with Telnet then you can find information about using it here.